Ian Harding

I’m a multidisciplinary design leader based in Calgary, Alberta with nearly 20 years of experience leading design teams and creating high-quality digital tools and products spanning across traditional and digital media. I strongly believe in the Form Follows Function mindset and am extremely passionate about creating intuitive, human-centered interfaces that people love and use every day.

Currently employed as the Director of Design & UX on the research and innovation team at ATB Financial, I am responsible for driving forward the creative vision for products and ideas throughout all phases of the lab’s innovation funnel from proof of concept to MVP and beyond. In addition to supporting the team with product objectives, I also direct the growth and marketing teams to deliver industry-leading visual communications that strive to establish brand awareness and market presence for our portfolio of digital identity products. View my resume

Having grown up in the 80s and 90s, I am an avid collector of vintage TMNT comic books and other nostalgic collectibles from my childhood. I am also an avid stock trader, private investor, and am a member of the ACTRA Union, occasionally performing for film and television productions in and around southern Alberta.

If you’d like to get in touch, you can send me an email or find me on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn.